Carlos Garaycochea

Garaycochea was my art teacher. I haven't enough words to express my affection, gratitude and admiration for this great artist, great teacher and great guy. I am still honoured by his friendship and I am very pleased to say that after almost 47 years he still teaches cartooning to new generations of young artists
great style.
He was one of the "coolests" cats in the Buenos Aires cartooning scene of the 50's.
I was not student of Garaycochea, neither of anybody, because he/she didn't have money to pay the classes, but when we drew in the magazine Avivato, he/she gave me advice several times, as so that I learn how to draw, and it failed, I never go to aparender. but same I thank him the generocidad that had with me.
lol ay dios mio!
this is such a nice posting, sadly I've never had a professor to adrmire so.
He was and is a great teacher...He can rationalise drawing and make it fun..Has a great, kinda British, sense of humour.
that's when you know someone is more than great, when they can teach something and make it fun.
He's just as lucky to have had you as his student
Lo recuerdo de muchísimas revistas pero principalmente de El Gráfico, que de pibe me las morfaba de punta a punta. Visto en perspectiva me parece un gran humorista gráfico y un fino dibujante y me da la impresión de que hoy en día no tiene en Argentina el reconocimiento que su trayectoria merece.
Love these - you were taught by and have taught with some brilliant teachers. In turn, I am so happy to have been taught by you(and paid for the privilege).
Thank you, el maestro.
un fuera de serie.comparto con el pensamiento sobre la falta de reconocimiento hacia su persona.Somos un disaster
How depressing. His skill, your knowledge. Bah Humbug
Garaycochea -junto al viejo Ferro- también fue mi maestro. Siempre recuerdo una clase en la que nos hizo dibujar a todos una bicicleta. Luego de ver todos los dibujos, dijo "Bueno, ahora hagan que funcione".
These drawings make my nuts tingle!
These are simply amazing!! Reminds me of Ward Kimball's 1950s Tomorrowland cartoons.
Garaycochea was there even before Kimball started to draw straight lines.
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