Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Emil Nolde (1867 – 1956)

Emil Nolde was one of the best colourist of the twentieth century. On spite of been a convinced Nazi, ironically, Hitler confined his paintings to the Degenerate Art exhibition and banned him from painting publicly and privately!


  1. No era un nazi convencido: Los expresionistas tenían una difusa filosofía vitalista y volkish que, por un momento, coincidió con el primer discurso nacionalista alemán. Lo mismo le pasó a Anton Webern...
    Por lo demás coincido con tu juicio y me atrevo a reivindicarlos también como dibujantes y escultores. Saludos.

  2. Anonymous7:20 am


    If you can find images painted by Gordon Smith, British born painter who has worked in Canada since the 1940s, you will see some wonderful colour work. His paintings of the 1980s are large scale masterworks of colour. He picked up the baton from one of the last of the Group of Seven, Lawren Harris.

    Lee Marvin Newland

  3. I confess I don't know anything about Gordon Smith. I've found some of his landscapes in Google, not enough to give me a complete idea but he seems to be quite good.

  4. Tienen algo de Van Gogh, de Cezane, de Gauguin... y algo muy personal al mismo tiempo, no? Tienen algo terrorífico también.

  5. Creo que Van Gogh era su heroe....

  6. Que haces despierto a esta hora, Tute?

  7. Anonymous2:51 pm

    un genio total

  8. una enciclopedia, para un animal inculto avido de conocimientos, este blog es un supermercado, siempre que tengo la alacena vacia me paso, y me llevo el carro lleno, gracias...
