Friday, March 26, 2010


Wonderful Edmond Kirazian, KIRAZ, born in Cairo, Egypt on August 25th 1923.
One of the most refined and sophisticated artists I ever met.


  1. I LOVE Kiraz' work! Such fluid lines, such design, such finely observed details.
    So sassy.

  2. En el 2008 hicieron una exposición potente en París. Me sorprende el color que le pone a las sombras. Hace que parescan transparentes. Fino como él solo, el señor Kiraz.

  3. Tuve el placer de conocerlo. Un hombre sumamente delicado y amable. Curiosamente me hizo pensar en Divito, que tambien era un dandy.

  4. Kiraz is really wonderfull.
    Apparently very simple and stylized, a master of very sophiticated compositions on lines and colors.
    Trully genius.

  5. qué lujo el perfil estampado de su puño (y haberlo conocido, un capo)

  6. Beautiful colors and not funny jokes. Incomplete artist...

  7. "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!"

  8. Well, I won't be so kind with his work: he was supposed to be an humorist and his work was not funny. It's only the beauty of his colors that was interesting. When I was a kid, I read his pages and thought it must be something very intellectual. Now I'm an adult and I understand why I did not laugh :-) And there is no "second degré" as we say in french, no hidden signification. It's just bad humor..

  9. I believe you're right....Yet, I LOVE HIS ILLUSTRATIONS!....His paintings we're not so good. All the best.

  10. I never saw his paintings... One thing more with Kiraz: his girls are not my type. So...

  11. Yeah!...Dubout women are more my taste!
