Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Los Muchachos de Antes

A red ballon and smiling Docters in London

Totó watches Jan Pinkava from the wall

A bunch of unemployed artists at Quino's home in Bs As

Juan Padron, Juan Valdez Café Sign and Juan Grillo in Madrid

In the death cell: Crist, Maria Teresa, a famous singer from Catalonia and me


  1. Buenísimo, la próxima pone nombres, please!!

  2. Gustavo5:59 am

    ¿Con Crist y Serrat habían ido a hacer una changa de plomería o estaban por sabotear las instalaciones de un banco?
    Por favor, Sr. Grillo, aclare este episodio sombrío de sus vidas.

  3. I hear the marvellous "Italian Graffiti" restaurant has closed down. Shame! Had some good times with the animation fraternity there over the years.

    Pete W.

  4. Graffiti close down!!!...Man, that's a shock! Was my second home!
