Monday, August 02, 2010

Discussion between Al Capp and John Lennon-Subtitulada


  1. Can't say I came out of that really liking any of them.

    I had to look up who Madame Nhu was - there are such dreadful gaps in my education.

  2. I share your dislikes, Kellie. At least Capp drew one of the most extraordinary comic strips ever and I never cared much for Lennon or Ono's art

  3. Oh I like lots of Lennon's songs, and Capp's comics of course - I just wouldn't want to be in that room with them!

  4. Never invite a cartoonist into your bedroom. It will spell trouble.

  5. Gustavo4:55 am

    Al Capp the one.
    Al Capp one.
    Al Capone

  6. In the end the whole scene imitates a Capp's comic story. Life imitates art, is'n 'it?
    Everybody looks like L'il Abner characters... But Al Capp himself acts like his lowest ones...He describes himself very well just on arriving.
    We are always betrayed by our emotions, aren't we?
    Thanks to post it.

  7. Anonymous10:12 am

    Adoro a Lennon, Grillo, pero esta vez me gana mi solidaridad con un genial autor de cómics como lo es Capp. Y creo que Capp dio en el clavo cuando dijo que John buscaba la paz porque no la tenía en su interior.

  8. I didn't like the fact that Al Capp was looking for a fight. It seemed to me that he set this up so that no matter what reaction he got from John and Yoko, he would win. He seems to smug and self-satisfied. That's not to say that John and Yoko didn't suffer from delusions of grandeur. IT was just that part of themselves was kept low-key, while Capp flaunted it. I think I will stick to reading the Li'l Abner comic strip.

  9. Hola Oscar!

    Che, me quedó picando una duda... En los últimos segundos del video aparece ni más ni menos que Timothy Leary... Qué estaba haciendo ahí?

    Saludos desde Córdoba!

  10. Probablemente haya ido a ofrecer Acido Lisergico....O tambien porque era un "cholulo" y queria tener "roce" con Lennon y esa famosa artista conceptual de culo caido.

  11. No conocía el cholulo side de Leary. Será que lo tengo medio mitificado! Pero bueno, después de ver a Mr. Burroughs en aquella propaganda de Nike todo parece posible (:().

    Saludos, Oscar!

    PD: Si tenés un tiempito pasate por mi blog y comentame qué te parecen mis últimos trabajos:

  12. No, Emilio. Lo dije porque si. No tengo la mas minima idea de porque Leary estaba ahi. aunque en realidad, en ese periodo del Jet Set del "Swinging Laconchilalora" todos andaban revolcandose en el mismo lodo, como decia Discepolo
